Leveraging Technology In Your Job Search

Date: 5/20/20 10:00 AM - 5/20/20 11:00 AM

Location: webinar ,

What's the first thing that Pops up if Hiring Managers Google your name? If you've developed a strategic online presence, then it should be your LinkedIn profile. You'll also learn why LinkedIn needs to become your new best friend and how to locate Hidden Job Markets. You will also gain access to cheat sheets that will help ensure that you have a solid LinkedIn profile that's ready to attract Employers.

To Register: email information@cobbworks.org or call 770-528-4300

About the presenter: Leeza Byers has 10+ years in the Human Resources field. Through her professional and her personal experiences of being in and out of the job market, she created the Courageous Job Seeker Success SystemTM and the Courageous Entrepreneur Success SystemTM.