In partnership with Cobb County Public Library, we will be hosting a job fair for teens and young adults ages 16 to 22 on the following dates and times:
April 9th (12:00 PM - 3:00 PM) : Switzer Library (266 Roswell St NE, Marietta, GA 30060)
April 23 (12:00 PM - 3:00 PM) : North Cobb Library (3535 Old 41 Hwy NW, Kennesaw, GA 30144)
Jobseekers, ages 16-22, are asked to bring printed resumes to share with employers. The events are also for businesses seeking motivated full- and part-time employees. Employers may contact a library representative at the Cobb library location nearest their job locations for more information on participating.
For more information, please contact LaDonna Huggins at or (770)528-2647.